He Waka Eke Noa - We're All in This Together

For concept this term we have been learning that we are all  on a learning journey, learning with and from each other and also we are all on this learning waka, we need to paddle together.
"He Waka Eke Noa"

This week we focused on "Team Work" and all the things that we need to remember when we are working in a team. 

"We need to help each other all the time" - Trey Goodare

"We need to have faith in one another" - Jayde Heka

"We need to listen and understand" - Boston Kipa-Gunther

"If we are unsure about what to do in our learning we should ask someone, friend or teacher" - Anshika Gounder

"Its not always about being right, give things a go" - Yash Krishna

"At School we all have a Code of Conduct that can help guide us in the right direction" - Toahemotu Vaetoru

Below we have put a photo up of our Concept wall in the classroom we have tried to display what He Waka Eke Noa means to us. Feel free to come into our learning hub to have a closer look :)


  1. We like your patterns Room 13 - Janel
    That's a nice waka - Harnoor
    We like the pictures the girls and boys made - Jeshika
    We like your waka and its paddles - Dinhbao
    From everyone in Room 24. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!

  2. Wow room 13! What fabulous learning you have done already! I agree with you Trey, I alway believe that we need to help each other to become better learners! Just like what Anshika said about asking others to help our learning. That makes us better learners and better teachers. Im so happy to hear what you think Toaemotu that the Code of Conduct helps guide you in the right direction!!

    Keep up the fabulous work room 13!

    Miss Cairns

    1. Good morning Miss Cairns
      thank you for your nice message we really appreciate it.
      We all hope that you are doing well. We miss you very much
      Room 13 :)

    2. Missing you all also! I am really excited about coming in and seeing all the amazing learning that is happening.

  3. Hi Room 13
    I really like all the comments about how you can help each other when learning gets hard. Never ever give up ... you can do it!!!

    I hope you enjoyed the Water Sports last Friday. Did Miss Hamid go down the slide?? I hope you took some photos to put on your blog.

    Mrs Kelly

  4. Wow! Room13 your waka looks amazing. I am very impressed with the paddles and the inspiring messages that you have written on them. Keep up the good work.

    Mrs Robertson

  5. Such thoughtful comments Room 13, you have a great looking concept wall.


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